
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

European Population History In a Nutshell

You too can watch European population figures, by country, unfold with video maps and dramatic music for every year since 400 BCE, over a little less than twelve minutes.

One insight is how thinly populated places like Britain were until quite recently.

Another is that political boundaries are anything but static in the long run.

It also brought to my attention the Novgorod Republic in what is now Northern Russia, that lasted nearly three centuries in the late Middle Ages and was one of the earliest and most successful democratic experiments which is often overlooked.

UPDATE January 31, 2018: Today at sister blog Wash Park Prophet, I made the 9000th post from the combined Wash Park Prophet and Dispatches From Turtle Island blogs since I began the Wash Park Prophet blog on July 3, 2005.


  1. Did you change the name from 'at' to 'from'?

    Congratulations, good read.

  2. Nope. Just an error that I corrected.
