Wednesday, January 25, 2023

More Muon g-2 Calculations

It is becoming ever more clear that the BMW calculation of the Standard Model expected value of muon g-2 (which is consistent with the experimental results) is correct, while the Theory Initiative calculation of the Standard Model expected value of muon g-2 (which is in strong tension with the experimental results) is flawed.
Two preprints today with lattice calculations of a clean piece of the muon g-2 HVP (2301.08274, 2301.08696). Both blind. Both in perfect agreement with BMW and previous lattice results. Both in 3-4σ tension with the dispersive approach.

From here (hat tip to Jester).

This needs to be taken in the the context of experimental results such as those showing that there are no lepton universality violations, disfavoring sterile neutrinos, ending a CKM matrix element measurement anomaly, and myriad searches failing to find evidence of other hypothetical new particles. 

Take as a whole, these experimental results continue to ever more tightly close the door on a whole lot of proposed extensions or modifications of the Standard Model of Particle Physics.


neo said...


could you read

and interpret this early data? specifically does this data suggest or rule out X17?

what does this data mean?

andrew said...

X17 is not real and the data so far in the report is early and inconclusive.

neo said...


okay but what does this means?

what is actually happened here ?
it looks like e+e- pairs are emissions at an angle off the target
is the SM or x17?

neo said...

i draw this for you to go study

andrew said...

If there were statistically significant hints of new physics (even a barely over two sigma significance) based upon the new data, the presenters would have said so.

neo said...

If there were statistically significant hints of new physics (even a barely over two sigma significance) based upon the new data, the presenters would have said so.

could you tell me what page 10 and 14 and 17 say ?

"x17 dedicated tracks finders under development " directly contracts this