
Monday, February 24, 2025

Cannibalism Was A Thing In Post-Glacial Hunter-Gather Poland

Just two thousand years after the Last Glacial Maximum in Europe, near the fringe of the retreating glaciers, the hunter-gathers repopulated Europe from refugia in the Caucuses, on the Italian Peninsula, and from Iberia. These people sometimes practiced cannibalism. We don't fully understand why, but their life did involve living on the brink of starvation for extended period of time. 

It could be that the taboo against cannibalism was first broken in some situation where it was dictated by dire necessity, and that once this taboo was broken, the practice morphed into something with religious significance or a way to treat troublesome rivals or enemies, that perhaps helped them deal with the guilt that arose from breaking the taboo the first time. 

Then again, human sacrifice and cannibalism were practiced in the Americas after the Neolithic revolution occurred independently there in circumstances where the threat of starvation was probably a more distant memory.

The manipulation of human corpses started to become commonplace during the Upper Paleolithic. This well-documented behavior among Magdalenian peoples consists of perimortem manipulation and the removal of soft tissues and has been understood as forming part of the cultural repertoire of mortuary actions. 
The study of these practices has given rise to several interpretations with the consumption of human flesh (cannibalism) occupying a central position. The human assemblage of Maszycka Cave (18,000 cal. BP) is part of this ongoing debate. Although initial research in the 1990s suggested cannibalism, more recent studies challenge this interpretation arguing that the low incidence of human activity rule out the likelihood of processing for the purpose of consumption and proposing skull selection as a funerary practice. 
This study reviews the assemblage and presents previously unpublished postcranial skeletal specimens along with evidence of whole-body manipulation for consumption. This behavior is also observed in other chronologically and culturally similar assemblages throughout continental Europe, suggesting that cannibalism was integral practice within the cultural systems of these Magdalenian groups.
Marginedas, F., Saladié, P., Połtowicz-Bobak, M. et al. New insights of cultural cannibalism amongst Magdalenian groups at Maszycka Cave, Poland. 15 Sci Rep 2351 (2025).

1 comment:

  1. Cannibalism Was A Thing In Post-Glacial Hunter-Gather Poland-yucky
