
Monday, July 8, 2019

Celibacy After Ordination Wasn't Always Taken All That Seriously By The Catholic Church

In 1161, there were no Anglican or Protestant churches in England, just Roman Catholic Churches.
In 1161 a parliament of Henry II introduced regulations allowing the Bishops to license brothels and prostitutes in the area, which became known as the Liberty of the Clink. As a result, brothels multiplied in the Bankside part of the Liberty. They were popularly known as "stew-houses" as many were also steam-filled bath houses. The bishop was their landlord,...

Records of court proceedings indicate that priests, monks and friars were among their clients. The brothels had to allow weekly searches by constables or bailiffs, and could not charge prostitutes more than 14 pence per week for a room. Opening was not permitted on holidays, and forced prostitution was prohibited. Prostitutes were not allowed to live at the brothels or to be married, and they were required to spend a full night with their clients.
Via English Stack Exchange.


  1. Not going there. Not today anyway. There is lots of relevant scholarship.
