Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Ancient Pict DNA

Unsurprisingly, ancient DNA from an individual who was one of the Celtic Pict people who were contemporaneous with the Romans of Southern England is genetically very close to that of modern Celtic populations such as people who are ancestrally native to Ireland according to Davidski at the Eurogenes blog citing Dulias et al. 2022 ("Ancient DNA at the edge of the world: Continental immigration and the persistence of Neolithic male lineages in Bronze Age Orkney" at PNAS).

Paradigm affirming discoveries aren't quite as exciting as paradigm changing discoveries. 

Indeed, the headline result of the paper cited is that Bronze Age men with origins in the steppe did not largely replace the male population of the Orkney Islands as they did in most of the rest of Europe. 

But paradigm affirming discoveries also assure us that the conclusions reached based upon ground breaking results that established the new paradigms are robust and reliable.

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