Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Fuzzy Dark Matter Ruled Out

This paper essentially rules out the remainder of the viable fuzzy dark matter parameters space.  FDM had been one of the more viable ultra-light dark matter theories. 

Tatyana Shevchuk, Ely D. Kovetz, Adi Zitrin, "New Bounds on Fuzzy Dark Matter from Galaxy-Galaxy Strong-Lensing Observations" arXiv:2308.14640 (August 28, 2023).


Mitchell said...

I am intrigued by the number and variety of astrophysical and cosmological observations that are employed to rule out ultra light dark matter over ten orders of magnitude. This is summarized on the first page: CMB, large scale structure, black hole superradiance, spectra of intergalactic gas (the Lyman-alpha forest), early universe reionization history, lack of a "soliton bump" in galactic rotation profiles, insufficient weak lensing of background galaxies ("cosmic shear"), and now, if I'm reading this correctly, inconsistency with examples of strong lensing ("Einstein rings").

Corey Leander said...

Imagine spending all your time moderating Politics SE while pretending to know something about physics lmao

Mitchell said...

Corey is a fan of dark matter?

andrew said...


Are you bored because you were banned (not by me) from the entire Stack Exchange website?

andrew said...


I am too. Everywhere you look, large classes of dark matter particle models are being ruled out. Not one really works.

The one refutation of Deur's approach doesn't say that it doesn't fit the data over an extremely wide range of applicability, only that it isn't canonical GR as conventionally applied. I haven't seen a better solution anywhere.

Corey Leander said...

@andrew not sure why you don't think I won't evade the ban if I need to...but no just being critical of you since you're a Stack Exchange slave who thinks not allowing people to edit their own content will carry no consequences for the website you slave for.