Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Another Mirror Universe Model

Another author has proposed a mirror universe model with an anti-universe that comes before the Big Bang where time flows in the opposite direction that is anti-matter dominated. 

This author argues that this model can explain dark energy phenomena without modified gravity or an additional substance or a cosmological constant.

The new paper and its abstract are as follows:

If we look from a quantum perspective, the most natural way in which the universe can be created is in entangled pairs whose time flow is oppositely related. This suggests the idea of the creation of a universe-antiuniverse pair. 
Assuming the validity of this hypothesis, in this paper, we show that the universe expands in an accelerated manner. The same reasoning holds for the anti-universe as well. This idea does not require any form of dark energy as used in the standard cosmological model ΛCDM or in modified theories of gravity.

Naman Kumar, "On the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe" 30 Gravitation and Cosmology 85-88 (April 4, 2024).

The author cites four papers by two other groups of scientists as a source for the anti-universe model:

* L. Boyle, K. Finn and, N. Turok, “CPT-symmetric universe,” 121 Phys. Rev. Lett. 251301 (2018).

* L. Boyle, K. Finn, and N. Turok, “The Big Bang, CPT, and neutrino dark matter,” 438 Annals of Phys. 168767 (2022).

* S. J. Robles-Pürez, “Time reversal symmetry in cosmology and the creation of a universe–antiuniverse pair,” 5 Universe 150 (2019).

* S. J. Robles-Pürez, “Quantum creation of a universe-antiuniverse pair,” arXiv: 2002.09863.


neo said...

my theory is that matter dominated over anti-matter is because we live in a deSitter Universe and anti-matter dominated over matter in an anti-deSitter Universe

CPT is broken by the cc

cc=0 matter = anti-matter
cc+ matter > anti-matter
cc- anti-matter > matter

andrew said...


Why would you ever think that?

neo said...

Sundance Bilson-Thompson
lqg braids still being carried out

arXiv:2406.02655 (gr-qc)
[Submitted on 4 Jun 2024]
Knotted 4-regular graphs II: Consistent application of the Pachner moves
Daniel Cartin

A common choice for the evolution of the knotted graphs in loop quantum gravity is to use the Pachner moves, adapted to graphs from their dual triangulations. Here, we show that the natural way to consistently use these moves is on framed graphs with edge twists, where the Pachner moves can only be performed when the twists, and the vertices the edges are incident on, meet certain criteria. For other twists, one can introduce an algebraic object, which allow any knotted graph with framed edges to be written in terms of a generalized braid group.

Comments: 26 pages; 34 figures
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); Mathematical Physics (math-ph)
Cite as: arXiv:2406.02655 [gr-qc]

andrew said...

@neo More technical than I can follow.