Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A New Published Koide Triple Paper

Arivero at the Physics Forums (who comments here from time to time) has gotten his article on Koide Triples published:
I had put in a preprint some calculations of Koide masses using the original composite idea and they have happened to be published as Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 1058 (2024)., so as a collateral effect we now have another published paper that mentions:
  • the waterfall, in a footnote.
  • the tuples (0ds), (scb) and (cbt).
  • the relation sum(scb) = 3 sum (leptons).

It is nice to see this promising line of inquiry advanced. The preprint linked and its abstract are as follows:

We propose an interpretation for the adjoint representation of the SO(32) group to classify the scalars of a generic Supersymmetric Standard Model having just three generations of particles, via a flavour group SU(5). 
We show that this same interpretation arises from a simple postulate of self-consistence of composites for these scalars. The model looks only for colour and electric charge, and it pays the cost of an additional chiral +4/3 quark per generation.
Alejandro Rivero, "An interpretation of scalars in SO(32)" arXiv:2407.05397 (July 7, 2024). The published version is open access and was published on October 15, 2024.

Bonus: The article contains a cute "Turtles All The Way Down" illustration, which we here on Turtle Island, appreciate.

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