Monday, March 13, 2023

Free Floating Planets And Other Astronomy Quick Hits

* There are vast numbers of free floating planets out there, ripped from the stars around which the formed. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will soon reveal many more of them.

While these are ultimately just cold rocks, there are also isolated stars outside any galaxy out there. What if life developed in a place like that?

The possibilities found in the universe are awe inspiring.

* In other astronomy observations, "general relativistic contributions" reduce "the probability that the solar system destabilizes within 5 Gyr by a factor of 60."

* Power laws continue to be fascinating and make random phenomena, while still random, far more ordered than they seem, while also suggesting the kind of processes that give rise to them.

Many astronomical phenomena, including Fast Radio Bursts and Soft Gamma Repeaters, consist of brief distinct aperiodic events. The intervals between these events vary randomly, but there are periods of greater activity, with shorter mean intervals, and of lesser activity, with longer mean intervals. A single dimensionless parameter, the width of a log-normal function fitted to the distribution of waiting times between events, quantifies the variability of the activity. This parameter describes its dynamics in analogy to the critical exponents and universality classes of renormalization group theory. If the distribution of event strengths is a power law, the width of the log-normal fit is independent of the detection threshold and is a robust measure of the dynamics of the phenomenon.
J. I. Katz, "Log-Normal Waiting Time Widths Characterize Dynamics" arXiv:2303.05578 (March 9, 2023) (3 pages).

* Organic molecules that seeded life may have had a head start in interstellar space according to a new preprint: "Protoplanetary disk around a just born young star contains a lot of cosmic dust. especially polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbon (PAH), which would become basic component to create biological organics. "

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