Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dark Matter Is Still Probably The Wrong Answer

Stacy McGaugh has a reaction blog post to the Scientific American article "What if We Never Find Dark Matter?" by Slatyer & Tait.

It nicely sums up the sociological conundrum in astrophysics that has led the discipline to throw a lot of weight and support behind a deeply flawed dark matter particle hypothesis with a particle that hasn't been detected and no hypothetical particle that can fit the astronomy observations and no theory that has made many significant ex ante predictions, rather than MOND and modified gravity that is a much better fit to the astronomy observations and has made many significant ex ante predictions.

He is spot on. Some good quotes:
In the 1980s, cold dark matter was motivated by both astronomical observations and physical theory. Absent the radical thought of modifying gravity, we had a clear need for unseen mass. Some of that unseen mass could simply have been undetected normal matter, but most of it needed to be some form of non-baryonic dark matter that exceeded the baryon density allowed by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and did not interact directly with photons. That meant entirely new physics from beyond the Standard Model of particle physics: no particle in the known stable of particles suffices. This new physics was seen as a good thing, because particle physicists already had the feeling that there should be something more than the Standard Model. There was a desire for Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) and supersymmetry (SUSY). SUSY naturally provides a home for particles that could be the dark matter, in particular the Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) that are the prime target for the vast majority of experiments that are working to achieve the exceptionally difficult task of detecting them. So there was a confluence of reasons from very different perspectives to make the search for WIMPs very well motivated.

That was then. Fast forward a few decades, and the search for WIMPs has failed. Repeatedly. Continuing to pursue it is an example of the sunk cost fallacy. We keep doing it because we’ve already done so much of it that surely we should keep going. So I feel the need to comment on this seemingly innocuous remark:

although many versions of supersymmetry predict WIMP dark matter, the converse isn’t true; WIMPs are viable dark matter candidates even in a universe without supersymmetry.

Strictly speaking, this is correct. It is also weak sauce. The neutrino is an example of a weakly interacting particle that has some mass. We know neutrinos exist, and they reside in the Standard Model – no need for supersymmetry. We also know that they cannot be the dark matter, so it would be disingenuous to conflate the two. Beyond that, it is possible to imagine a practically infinite variety of particles that are weakly interacting by not part of supersymmetry. That’s just throwing mud at the wall. SUSY WIMPs were extraordinarily well motivated, with the WIMP miracle being the beautiful argument that launched a thousand experiments. But lacking SUSY – which seems practically dead at this juncture – WIMPS as originally motivated are dead along with it. The motivation for more generic WIMPs is lacking, so the above statement is nothing more than an assertion that runs interference for the fact that we no longer have good reason to expect WIMPs at all. . . . 
I can save everyone a lot of time, effort, and expense. It ain’t WIMPs and it ain’t axions. Nor is the dark matter any of the plethora of other ideas illustrated in the eye-watering depiction of the landscape of particle possibilities in the article. These simply add mass while providing no explanation of the observed MOND phenomenology. This phenomenology is fundamental to the problem, so any approach that ignores it is doomed to failure. I’m happy to consider explanations based on dark matter, but these need to have a direct connection to baryons baked-in to be viable. None of the ideas they discuss meet this minimum criterion.

Of course it could be that MOND – either as modified gravity or modified inertia, an important possibility that usually gets overlooked – is essentially correct and that’s why it keeps having predictions come true. That’s what motivates considering it now: repeated and sustained predictive success, particularly for phenomena that dark matter does not provide a satisfactory explanation for. . . . 
The equation coupling dark to luminous matter I wrote down in all generality in McGaugh (2004) and again in McGaugh et al. (2016). The latter paper is published in Physical Review Letters, arguably the most prominent physics journal, and is in the top percentile of citation rates, so it isn’t some minuscule detail buried in an obscure astronomical journal that might have eluded the attention of particle physicists.

Bonus quote from the comments:

It’s exactly the same crap as with string theory, and supersymmetry, and inflation, and dark sectors, and many other research bubbles in the foundations of physics. It is mathematical fiction; it’s nothing to do with reality any more.
- Sabine Hossenfelder (YouTube link).


neo said...

It’s exactly the same crap as with string theory, and supersymmetry, and inflation, and dark sectors, and many other research bubbles in the foundations of physics. It is mathematical fiction; it’s nothing to do with reality any more.

- Sabine Hossenfelder

why's inflation on the list ?

andrew said...

Inflation (cosmological, of course, not monetary), is on some pretty flimsy ground in terms of its highly model dependent support from astronomy.