Monday, June 15, 2020

What The Harappan Language Was Not

None of the conclusions in this paper are something that I haven't argued for before at this blog.

But, this open access paper by a professor from India writing outside his own discipline (he has published in peer reviewed journals in the field, however), recaps these conclusions and the basis for them at length. It is from 2011 or 2012 and does not appear to have been published in a journal or in book form.
This paper argues against the Dravidian, Vedic and Paramunda Indus theories, and shows why Dravidian languages, Sanskrit or Paramunda languages could not have been candidates for the Indus Valley Civilization which flourished from 2600 BC to 1900 BC in the North-West of India and Pakistan. Supporters of these three hypotheses are welcome to provide a systematic refutation of all the points raised in this paper. This paper adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, drawing conclusions from many different fields of science. Quotes of several mainstream scholars of repute are presented in support of the conclusions arrived at in this paper. An alternative hypothesis of the identity of the Harappans is also presented towards the end of the paper.

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